Dwayne Davies

Dwayne Davies is a writer of comic fantasy and non-fiction. He is an avid advocate of rational philosophy and science.

He founded and runs Rational Metaphysician. He is the primary content creator, website administrator and the public face of the project! You will also hear his voice in the Rational Metaphysician (formerly Metaphysics of Physics) livestreams and interviews.

When not working on Rational Metaphysician or his latest book, he likes to nerd out about the sci-fi and fantasy genre. Favorite fictional works include Sword of Truth and other Terry Goodkind series, Ayn Rand, Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams. He is also an avid reader of comics and particularly loves Batman, Iron Man and Calvin and Hobbes.

Fun Nerd Fact: He is a huge Doctor Who fan and has seen or heard (you cannot watch the missing Doctor Who episodes) almost every single story from Classic Doctor Who era. Yes, even the old black and white First and Second Doctor ones.

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